Learn the art and science of Chumpi Illumination, the pioneering approach to healing using the Peruvian Chumpi stones. At the Sacred Center, you can also learn muscle testing from a certified Health Kinesiology teacher.
Why “Mystery School” and what does that mean?

The term “mystery school” is an ancient concept shared by countless spiritual lineages from across time and around the globe.
The Mystery School at the Sacred Center for the Healing Arts is anything but remote and esoteric. Yes, we seek to access the mysteries that linger beneath the surface of human consciousness, but the intention is to apply these realizations to daily life.
Our goal is to make wholeness, harmony, and happiness part of your everyday reality. We seek transformation, but also build the flexibility and resilience to flow with the demands of our modern world.
When you study with Eleanora, you’ll discover how to live the mystery, not just study it.

What makes the Sacred Center unique? We CHILL
Chumpi Illumination or CHILL is the basis of the Mystery School teachings. This unique system for healing and transformation gives you a new way to dissolve stress and conflict at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.
Weaving together the universal languages of symbols and sacred geometry with indigenous wisdom from across the globe, the entire field of human and cosmic consciousness is our classroom.

Sourced by spirit, guided by the body: learn the art and science of muscle testing

The intuitive, sacred work that you’ll learn at the Mystery School is grounded in the invaluable skill of muscle testing. Both an art and a science, when you master muscle testing you tap into the vast intelligence that exists within every living cell – and every corner of the universe.
Eleanora is one of only a handful of certified Health Kinesiology teachers in the US. When you study with Eleanora, you get a solid foundation in the quantitative, diagnostic powers of muscle testing. You learn how to formulate good questions and listen to the body in a whole new way.
What can you expect from your “course of study” at the Healing Arts & Mystery School?

You can become a CHILL practitioner by completing our eight-day certification program. Generally, it takes one year of quarterly weekend classes to complete the program. This training is ideal for people who are new to healing and energy healing and for experienced practitioners who wish to incorporate a new modality into their current work.
We offer weekend classes each season. Our “rolling admissions” approach means that you can join at any point in the year after you have met the “Intro to CHILL” requirement.* If you have to miss a weekend, you can always make it up in the next season.

Course of Study
Seasonal class themes:
To begin your studies in the Mystery School you will take an Intro to CHILL class. Intro to CHILL is now available as an on-demand video course.
Each class is focused on a theme related to the current season. In each class, you can expect to learn:
- insights into the resonance of each Chumpi and its shadow
- new CHILL forms, which are based on different principles of sacred geometry
- how to use our logical and intuitive parts of the brain simultaneously
- to incorporate different sounds into a healing, including singing bowls, bells, drums, gongs, and more
- to develop and refine your muscle testing skills
- new insights into what it means to heal in the present moment and how to respond rather than react to what’s happening in the collective
Seasonal class themes:
Receive nourishment
Release and let go
Awaken joy
Incubate and be still
Your Investment:
Special 10% discount if registering for all 4 classes for certification, and 10% off the purchase of a set of 12 chumpi stones.
With the exception of the Intro, classes can be taken out of sequence.
$375/class, after the 3rd class, receive the fourth registration (within 18 months) at $225 ($150 discount).