Chumpi Illumination
Energy Healing ~ Soul Awakening

Healing for the individual.
Healing for the collective.

What if you could open the door that leads to true awakening and wisdom?
What if you realized you’ve always held the key in your hand? What if the doorway was your own heart?
At the Sacred Center, we dive deep into what the ancient wisdom traditions have always understood: wholeness and healing are available to those who are ready to look within.
And, when you do that inner work, the entire world benefits from your growth and expansion.
Find Yourself at the Sacred Center

In our modern culture, we’ve been conditioned to reach outside of ourselves to find the answers.
Now, more than ever, we need to approach healing and well-being in a different way.
Students and seekers who explore the transformational healing modality we call Chumpi Illumination are ready to connect to the universal healing energy that’s already within us all.

Join the Virtual Wisdom Council
A free teaching, meditation, and community healing event held every six to eight weeks. We’d love to have you with us!
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Learn About the Sacred Center's School for the Healing Arts
A one-year program for both experienced practitioners and people who are new to energy medicine and who wish to learn self-healing techniques.
Book a 1:1 Session
Master healer Eleanora Amendolara offers individual healing sessions in Warwick, NY and via Zoom to clients across the world.
Intro to CHILL is now available as an on-demand video course

Divine Embodiment: The Art and Practice of Chumpi Illumination is now available!

This book and card set gives you an in-depth introduction to the origins and practice of Chumpi Illumination. Learn the meanings of all thirteen Chumpi stones as well as the principles of sacred geometry and sacred words from the Quechua language of the Peruvian Andes.

Meet Our Founder Eleanora Amendolara

About the Sacred Center Founder, Eleanora Amendolara
Eleanora Amendolara is a master healer and teacher. She sees clients in Warwick, NY, Brooklyn, and across the world via Zoom. As the founder of the Sacred Center Mystery School in Warwick, NY, she has been training healers and individuals on the path to spiritual awakening for more than three decades.
The visionary behind the Chumpi Illumination healing system, she is also a certified Health Kinesiology (muscle testing) practitioner and instructor. Eleanora also leads journeys to Peru at least once per year.

Treasures from Peru
Bring home your sets of Chumpi stones, plus handwoven cloth, jewelry, and more.

Waters from Peru
Sacred waters from sacred places that invite inside out transformation.

Sacred Center Oils
Custom blended essential oil sprays sourced from Peruvian ingredients