The Chumpis are sacred tools have been used by the shamans and the indigenous peoples of the Andes for hundreds of years. Now, you can use them to channel the energy of the cosmos to shift your physical and emotional reality.
Leading Health Kinesiology teacher, healer, and alchemist Eleanora grounds this profound spiritual and energetic work in the art and science of muscle testing. You’ll learn how to ask the body for information and find out how to formulate strong questions that help you tap into the soul’s inherent wisdom.
During this two-day introduction to the work of the Mystery School at the Sacred Center for the Healing Arts, you learn self-healing techniques that help you shift into a more expansive consciousness.
In addition to using the Chumpi stones of Peru, you’ll learn how to incorporate and access other ancient wisdom traditions as you create gateways into a Greater Reality, the space beyond separation and fear.
In this, your first class at the Mystery School, you will discover how to tap into your truest self and step into your spirit’s potential.
Class is held from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. There is a midday break you can go into town for lunch, but many students choose to bring their own meal.
Tuition: $375
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