A light burns brightly within you. It guides your own personal evolution and it illuminates your path as you move into a more expansive consciousness.
During this two-day introduction to Chumpi Illumination and the work of the Mystery School at the Sacred Center for the Healing Arts, you’ll learn practical and mystical approaches to self-healing that will open your spirit and shift your everyday life.
You will learn how to create gateways into the Greater Reality, the space beyond separation and fear. The techniques you learn will help you express your truest self and step into your soul’s potential.
Explore and embrace:
CHILL helps you reach into the wisdom of the cosmos even as it transforms your daily routine. Begin your journey with this first Mystery School class.
Tuition: $325
Class is held from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. There is a midday break you can go into town for lunch, but many students choose to bring their own meal.
Register by clicking on the “Pay Now” button below. You will be redirected to a registration form (simply enter your name and email) once payment is made.