That’s what the wisdomkeepers of the Andean tradition say. They call this time “the Pachakuti.”
In fact, you might even look at this period as the end of time. But, after every ending is a new beginning.
Let’s gather together to honor the ending and beginning and to learn to navigate the tumult in between.
In our next Virtual Wisdom Council call we will focus on the fifth Chumpi, the stone that represents Harmony.
Right now, this energy of Harmony is on full display as people from all ethnicities and races, all countries and walks of life come together with one Voice. This unified voice sings as the world turns inside out, as one era ends and a new one begins. It is a voice of universal compassion and renewal.
And yet, there is much conflict, too.
In our time together we will focus on the personal shadows and the individual quest for the light. By healing ourselves as individuals within the container of our VWC community, we build the strength and power to heal the wider world.
Let’s gather our voices together in the Virtual Wisdom Council. Bring your unique note and together we will craft a collective song that will guide the way along this new and uncharted path.
Join us live via Zoom
7 PM ET, Tuesday June 16
OR register to receive the recording
* We will use Chumpi Illumination techniques during the class. You do not need a set of Chumpi Stones to participate. Have you own crystals or stones handy before the call or use the Chumpi Illumination Wisdom cards.
** If you have attended or registered for previous VWC calls you do not need to register. If you enter your information and nothing happens, it means you’re already signed up and will get all the call details the day before.