Your Introduction to the Mystery School: Illuminating Your Greater Reality
During this two-day introduction to the work of the Mystery School at the Sacred Center for the Healing Arts, you learn self-healing techniques that help you shift into a more expansive consciousness. Uncover the inner light that guides your personal evolution.
Explore and embrace:
- CHILL: Eleanora Amendolara’s pioneering approach to healing and personal evolution, Chumpi Illumination
- The Andean Chumpi Stones that represent the twelve essential facets of human consciousness
- Sacred geometry: The forms that enable us to “plug in” to the Universal Wisdom
- Muscle testing: Check in with the body and validate your intuition with this indispensable tool than can help determine physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual information.
- Yananti masinti: The Quechua term used by the indigenous people of Peru meaning “complementary opposites.” You’ll learn how healing conflict is true medicine.
- Embody the first four Chumpis. Through your first year of training in the Mystery School you will experience direct transmissions of the energy of all twelve Chumpis. In this class, you will receive Birth, Balance, and Unity.
Class is held from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. There is a midday break you can go into town for lunch, but many students choose to bring their own meal.
Tuition: $375
Register by selecting your preferred payment below. You will be redirected to a registration form (simply enter your name and email) once payment is made.